ACLU California Action Response to Governor Newsom’s Veto of AB 2681

Sacramento — ACLU California Action has responded to Governor Gavin Newsom’s veto of AB 2681. This bipartisan legislation, passed by both chambers of the California legislature without a single “no” vote, would have prohibited the manufacturing, modifying, selling, transferring, or operating of weaponized robotic devices. Such remote-controlled killing machines are unnecessary and dangerous.

The following response can be attributed to Mohammad Tajsar, senior staff attorney at the ACLU of Southern California:

The continued militarization of law enforcement only deepens the divide between current police practice and genuine community safety. When police use military-grade weapons, armored tanks, and robots armed to kill, the only winners are the weapons manufacturers who walk away with millions of our tax dollars.”

The following response can be attributed to George Parampathu, legislative attorney at ACLU California Action:

Police are meant to serve and protect the public, not wage war against them. AB 2681 garnered bipartisan support in both the California Senate and Assembly, as Republicans and Democrats alike agree that deploying killer police robots on domestic soil is a step too far. By vetoing AB 2681, Governor Newsom prioritized the whims of the police lobby and the profits of weapons manufacturers over the safety, privacy, and freedom of California residents.” 


ACLU California Action is a 501(c)(4) organization jointly formed by the ACLU affiliates in California. Its mission is to protect civil liberties and civil rights, advance equity, justice, and freedom, and dismantle systems rooted in oppression and discrimination. The organization uses rigorous policy analysis, advocacy, and strategic communications to achieve policy change on a statewide level. We advance this work through collaboration with organizations that have members directly impacted by policy decisions in Sacramento. Beyond legislation, ACLU California Action aims to build enhanced political power and influence for the ACLU and our collective movements statewide.

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