2 Year
2023 Score:
Score: 100%
Score: 100%
District Map:
Key Votes
End Racially Biased Police Searches (AB 93)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredCriminal Justice & Policing
Empower Community Participation (AB 453)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredDemocracy & Civic Engagement
Strengthen the Fair Maps Act (AB 764)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredDemocracy & Civic Engagement
Stop Reverse Demands (AB 793)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredCriminal Justice & Policing
The Freedom from Surveillance Act (AB 1034)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredDemocracy & Civic Engagement
End Debtor’s Prisons in California (AB 1266)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredCriminal Justice & Policing
Care Not Cages for People with Mental Illness (AB 1584)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredImmigrant Rights
Protect the Right to Marry (ACA 5)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredReproductive Justice & Gender Equity
End Slavery in California (ACA 8 / Prop 6)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredCriminal Justice & Policing
Keep Students in School (SB 274)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredEducation Equity
Stop ICE’s Probation Ruse (SB 852)
Lawmaker: voted forACLU co-sponsoredImmigrant Rights
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