Criminal Justice & Policing
The criminal justice system should be fair and free of bias, respect the dignity and rights of all who come into contact with it, and centered on community-based solutions that prioritize rehabilitation and supportive services over punishment.
We fight for protections against law enforcement violence and abuse and for investments that keep us safe through community-led interventions, services and resources.
We advocate for reforms to the criminal legal system, including pretrial, sentencing, and parole reforms, ending the death penalty and other extreme sentences, ensuring strong indigent defense systems, and ensuring that police and prosecutors are accountable to the communities that they serve.
Criminal Justice & Policing Legislation

End Slavery in California (ACA 8 / Prop 6)
Criminal Justice & Policing, Racial and Economic Justice
Prop 6 makes every community safer by prioritizing rehabilitation for those who are incarcerated in California. Rehabilitation has been proven to not only reduce recidivism, but also to reduce wasteful taxpayer spending. Visit the Prop …

Restore Voting Rights in Prison (ACA 4)
Criminal Justice & Policing, Democracy & Civic Engagement, Racial and Economic Justice
Our democracy is rooted in the idea that everyone’s voice matters. Right now, though, over 120,000 Californians in prison are banned from voting in local, state, or federal elections. It’s time we join Vermont, Maine, …

Eliminate Unnecessary Police Interaction in Schools (AB 2441)
Criminal Justice & Policing, Education Equity, Racial and Economic Justice
Decades of research show the long-term harm to young people of even minimal contact with the juvenile or criminal legal systems. Once students make contact with law enforcement, they are less likely to graduate high …

Restrict K-9 Force (AB 742)
Criminal Justice & Policing, Racial and Economic Justice
The use of police attack dogs has severe and potentially deadly consequences for the public, and they are being used primarily on people who pose no danger. Each year more than 3,500 people nationwide require …

Stop Reverse Demands (AB 793)
Criminal Justice & Policing, Democracy & Civic Engagement, Reproductive Justice & Gender Equity
Dragnet surveillance demands – so-called “reverse warrants”, “geofence warrants,” or “keyword warrants” – are a form of unconstitutional digital surveillance that put people at grave risk in a Post-Roe America. They can compel tech companies …
End Debtor’s Prisons in California (AB 1266)
Criminal Justice & Policing